Interview with Ömer Pi̇rge, CEO of PIRGE

We had a very pleasant interview with our solutions partner Mr. Ömer PİRGE, the CEO of PİRGE.

The Laser ISSE family would like to thank Mr. PİRGE for his time and valuable reviews about us. We wish our cooperation to long continue.

We have become stronger, and we are growing more quickly thanks to our partners confidence in us.

We develop customized systems for production processes of PİRGE, a pioneer company in business of producing knives, cutlery, blades and cutting tools, with which we have been collaborating for years.

We integrated Coil Fed Laser Cutting & Blanking system into their production line and have developed a new reliable and flexible sectoral production method with our laser systems in the modern world where energy is very valuable.

Laser ISSE has implemented many innovative, successful and sustainable applications that has not many examples in the world so far in cooperation with PİRGE.

Laser ISSE offers environmentally friendly solutions for all kinds of requirements by developing high quality laser technologies for our customers and end users.

Energy conservation is crucial, and we work with you to build solutions for all processes, from raw materials to finished goods, that are environmentally friendly.


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