Nd:yag Laserschweissen #1 Handgeführte Lösung

Nd:yag Laser Welding #1 Handheld Solution is The Laser Welding Torch for latest joining welding technology of thin metal markets. It allows laser welding up to 3mm thickness for overlapping, butt welding and seam welding types.

The Handheld Torch allows manual application of the laser beam obtained from Lamp Pumped Nd: YAG 150 W, 300 W and 600 W systems via a fiber cable to an optical head without any automation. This is operable continuously without any problem due to special cooling and gas control. It allows faster, higher resistance and cleaner application compared to other welding methods.

General Properties

  • Laser operates only when the operator uses the glasses, and the graphite nozzle(Tip Touch Sensor) touches the working material.
  • Graphite tips are designable specifically for the welding piece and easy to apply.
  • Provides economic solutions as fixturing is not required
  • With its ergonomic design, it facilitates welding application in sections difficult to reach.
  • Time assist gas control allows for a cleaner surface to be obtained.
  • A red pilot laser allows for faultless and fast positioning.
  • Handheld torch has capability to add multi beam output with 1 handheld torch and 3 fiber cable to robot and workstations.


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